International Event in North Macedonia - August 2022

Between 3 and 5 August 2022, Center for Civic Initiative hosted the ninth and final international meeting of 13 European cities involved in the European Alliance for Volunteer Support.

ERAS - European Alliance for the Support of Volunteering is a project that connects thirteen cities committed to improve conditions for the development of volunteering.  In the past year, representatives from 13 countries forged partnerships and exchanged good practices, learned about organised volunteering in other countries, inspired others to volunteer and shared stories of volunteers.

The last international event of the ERAS project took place between 3 and 5 August 2022. Our partners from Prilep, the Center for Civic Initiative, hosted the event in Ohrid, North Macedonia. Partners from Slovenia, Serbia, Malta and Albania were present at the event.

They met with representatives of the Ohrid Red Cross and were impressed by their work. The Ohrid Red Cross has five employees and 500 volunteers who implement numerous projects that are not typical for the Red Cross. In addition to blood drives, food distribution, first aid courses and children's summer camps, their activities include a drama group, free English lessons for children, reading classes and much more. As they say, they welcome any volunteer with an idea and a desire to do something in their local environment. And they support them in achieving it.

The Ohrid Red Cross Organization is thus one of the most active volunteer organizations in the country, and the Mountain Rescue Service also operates under their auspices. Together with the Zlatovrv Rescue Service from Pelagonija, they presented how rescue services operate in Macedonia and the importance of their work in the community.

The ERAS project is co-financed from the funds of the Europe for Citizens program, which is ending. We are pleased that the activities will not end with the last event. Our network of cities successfully applied for European funds and will continue our activities. You can follow us on the FB page.



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